Problems with N05 NVMe hat on Pi5 | 52Pi Store

Problems with N05 NVMe hat on Pi5

  • Greetings. I recently ordered the above NVMe hat, and an accompanying 256 GB 2230 NVMe.

    I am struggling to get it up and running. Hoping to get some help.

    To start I am running the latest version of Bookworm and latest Boot Loader, updated 2 days ago.

    I installed the hat as per instructions and on boot up it flashes and indicates it is powered up.

    I added the dtparam=pciex1 to the config.txt file (now in boot/firmware subfolder) and saved it and rebooted using subo reboot. On checking I can see that that line is present in config.txt.

    When I boot up though the NX MVMe does not show up in my file tree. If I click on "go" in the file manager it shows the NV-256 2230 is in existence though. Clicking on it returns an error message: 'computer:///NX256%202230 drive' is not valid.

    I was curious about cloning my SD card onto the drive, and in Imager, can select it is a target drive, but it does not exhibit any indication that it is writable, and indeed the imager will not write to it.... just hangs.

    I am pretty sure is is properly installed, but somehow justnot mounted or somehing.


    Any help or suggestions?





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