EP-0130 / D-1188v1.0 ATX PSU breakout board - External Switch via PSON+GND doesn't work
1I have a "GeeekPi Team D-1188 ver 1.0" PSU ATX breakout board. It works GREAT with the mounted switch to turn the PSU on or off, but I'd like to use an external switch mounted elsewhere.
It is my understanding that this should be possible by connected the "Power PSON" line with one of the "G" (Ground) lines. Unfortunately when I do that though, the PSU does not come online; and instead all the status lights on the PCB go dark ("5VSB" and "PSON" LEDs).
What wiring configuration should I use to connect an external switch?
Wiki link;
Thanks to a non-English post to an Amazon review for this product from Spain on 21 April 2022; I found that the PSON line can be used to switch the PSU on or off by removing the switch from the D-1188 PCB.
Simply grabbed a pair of plyers, ripped off the little plastic switch, and now everything works fine.
PSON need rising(or falling) edge to trigger,not the fixed level.